Charles T. Low Photography
On this page:
Current Blog
Dave Sheridan
Brockville Artist, Teacher, Art-Coordinator
Blog #101
–all about Dave's art ...
... read more ...

Older Blogs
No. 101
No. 96-100
No. 90-95
No. 76-89
- All Time Favs
- Falling Up
- Technique and Flow
- Near Wildnerness
- Interstitial Photography
- Same Difference
- Sunrise
- Darkness
- Northern Manitoba
- Brockville Library Exhibition
- Low Light
- February Blues (and reds)
- Light-hearted
- Dawn Fog
Late 2021
No. 64-75
- Photography in Brockville
- Variety: the Spice of Light
- Fog Photography
- Perception
- It Dawned On Me
- Mid-Summer 2021, Personal
- Roadster
- Summer Daze 2021
- Giants in Photography
- Ships
- Plus ça change ...
- Self-Contained Photographer
Oldest Blogs
In April of 2021, due to a long and sordid tale of intrigue and deceit, I have moved my blog. This however renders all of the old ones, numbering sixty-three, inaccessible in their original format.
(Well ... as of early May, 2021, the old link still works, if you prefer to view them as originally posted.)
Somehow I think that the World will carry on. PDF versions of all of them are available below.
Adobe is making it less easy to find, but at the time of writing the free PDF reader was here.
I particularly recommend these few:
- Tool of Thirds (not "Rule")
- Equipment (Does it matter? No. And yes.)
- Seeing (not simply "looking")
- Depth of Field
- Light ← Most Important!
- Background (ignore at your peril!)
- Exposure Compensation ← Most Practical
- Third Dimension
And here, starting with the most recent, is the entire list:
Early 2021
No. 59-63
No. 43-58
- Learning Photographer
- Autumnal
- Art Photography Gifts
- Photographic Niches
- Natural Environment
- Literal Photography Blog
- Murals and Woodturnings
- (Not) Moving Beyond
- River Photographer Branching Out
- Pandemic Isolation Photography
- Too Close to Home
- Pandemic Overrules Photography
- Portraits and Woodlands
- Twist of Lime
- Winter of my Content
- Snow Time for Photography
No. 30-42
No. 6-29
- Pre-Holidays
- Smorgasbord
- Nothing Going On
- Digital Camera Basics Again
- Whoa! Back Up
- Three Learning Points
- Automotion 2018
- Distracted
- Galleria
- Background
- Monochrome/Colour
- Event Photography
- Loved and Known
- A Week
- Light
- Depth
- Not Just Any Barn (Balleycanoe)
- Film Renaissance
- Downhill Skiing
- Got Up and Went
- Seeing
- Equipment
- Practice
- Portraiture
No. 1-5
Not all of the links will function anymore in those "old" blogs, but the basic content is all there.
They are only about 7 MB each on average.